User:Shila Regmi/Teaching Lesson Plan 15

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Subject: Computer Graphics

Period: Fourth

Topic: Three Dimensional Graphics

Teaching Item: 3D Object Representation: Polygon Table

Class: BICTE 6th Semester

Unit: Five

Time: 50min

No. of Students: 18

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • understand the concept of polygon surfaces
  • understand the concept of representing 3D objects using polygon tables
  • able to create and manipulate polygon tables.

Instruction Materials:

Daily usages materials.

PowerPoint slide.

Multimedia Projector


Teaching Learning Activities

I will start the lesson by asking students what they know about 3D Object. Encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences.

I will discuss the importance of representing 3D objects in computer graphics.

I will explain the concept of polygon surfaces.

I will introduce the concept of polygon tables as a method for representing the geometry of 3D objects.

I will present the slide related to structure of a polygon table, including the attributes stored for each vertex, edge, and face and explain that a polygon table stores information about the vertices, edges, and faces of a 3D object.

I will ask students if they have any confusion related to today topic and at last i will summarize the lesson in brief.


  • What is a polygon table, and what information does it store about a 3D object?


  • Describe the structure of a typical polygon table, including the attributes stored for vertices, edges, and faces.
  • How are vertices, edges, and faces connected and represented in a polygon table?