User:Ubic/teaching lesson plan 4
Subject : Computer Science Period: Fourth
Topic: Web Technology I Teaching Item: Introduction to HTML
Class: 11 Unit: 6
Time: 40 min No. of Students: 45
1. Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Define HTML tags.
- Explain HTML attributes.
2. Instructional Materials:
- Daily usages materials.
3. Teaching Learning Activities:
- Enter the classroom, and motivate students before starting the lesson for their concentration on the lesson, and then write today’s topic on the board.
- Begin the class by understanding their opinion and knowledge about the topic.
- After discussion I will define HTML tags.
HTML tag are the instructions or command given to the web browser in order to organize text image and any other components of web pages.
If a tag is written only within the angular brackets <> then it is known as opening tag. Whereas, same tag is written within a angular bracket preceded by slash / then it is known as closing tag.
- After that I will list out type of HTML tags and explain it.
- Pair tag: Those tags which have both opening and closing tags are known as pair tag. They are also known as container tags.
- Singular tag: Those tag which have only opening tag but no closing tag are known as singular tag. They are also known as empty tag.
- After that I will explain the attribute of HTML with example.
HTML attributes are the descriptive properties of a HTML tags written within respective tag. Attributes helps to add some extra feature, which allows designer to customize and modify several components of webpages according to requirement.
Eg, If is the tag then its attributes are:
bgcolor = It helps to add background color.
text = It helps to change the color of the text written in webpages.
background = It helps to add image in background of webpages.
- At last, Sum up the topic and let students ask questions about this lesson and response them.
4. Assessment:
- <p> is .......... tag.
- <br> is ............ tag.
- What is attribute of HTML?
5. Homework:
- What is HTML tag? List out any 5 attributes of HTML.
Class Teacher Subject Teacher
Kabi Acharya Ubic Parajuli