User:Nawarajbhandary/Micro teaching lesson plan 3

summarizing topic in brief,


·       How to change font-color in HTML ?

·       How to increase font size in paragraph ?

·       Can HTML 5 supports the HTML font tag ?

Subject : Web Technology Class: MICTE 3rd Semester
Period: Third Unit: One
Topic: Introduction to HTML Time: 15 min
Teaching Item:  Working with image No. of Students: 18


  • Student will understand the concepts of <img> tag in html and its attributes,
  • Student will be able to use the <img> tag to insert image into HTML document.


  • Computer/laptop for each student or a projector for demonstration,
  • Text editor (such as Notepad++, Sublime text and Vs code etc)
  • Internet access for additional resource(optional)


  • Greeting students and introducing today's topic with them,
  • Brifely inroduce the concepts of <img> tag in HTML:
  • HTML <img> tag is used to display image on the web page.
  • HTML <img> tag is an empty tag that contains attributes only, closing tags are not used in HTML image element.
  • Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages.
  • The <img> tag creates a holding space for the referenced image.
  • Encouraging students to ask questions or share their thoughts,
  • clarifying doubts and summarizing topic in brief,


  • How to use image in HTML with examples?
  • Which tag is used to display image?
  • Task students with creating a simple HTML page and inserting different images with varying attributes.