User:Abir Real Teaching Lesson Plan 26
Lesson Plan: Animation Menu in Microsoft PowerPoint
Subject: Computer science
Topic: Animations Menu in Microsoft PowerPoint
Time: 45 minutes
Number of student: 20
Class: 6
Period: 4th
School: Shree Kirtipur Secondary School
Students will learn how to utilize the Animation Menu in Microsoft PowerPoint to add dynamic effects to their presentations.
Duration: 45 minutes
Materials Needed:
- Computers with Microsoft PowerPoint installed
- Projector or smartboard for demonstration
Introduction (5 minutes):
- Welcome students to the lesson and explain the importance of using animations in presentations to engage the audience.
- Discuss the objectives of the lesson and what students will learn by the end.
Understanding Animation Basics (10 minutes):
- Define what animations are and their purpose in a presentation.
- Discuss the types of animations available in PowerPoint (entrance, emphasis, exit, and motion paths).
- Show examples of well-animated presentations to inspire students.
Exploring the Animation Menu (15 minutes):
- Open Microsoft PowerPoint and demonstrate how to access the Animation Menu. - Walk students through the different options available in the Animation Menu, such as:
- Animation Pane - Animation Effects - Timing - Animation Painter - Advanced Animation
- Explain each option and its functionality using examples and live demonstrations.
Hands-On Practice (10 minutes):
- Assign a simple task to students to apply what they have learned. For example, ask them to create a slide with text and apply entrance and exit animations.
- Circulate the room to provide assistance and answer any questions.
Review and Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Bring the class back together for a brief review of what they've learned.
- Encourage students to continue exploring and experimenting with animations in PowerPoint.
- Summarize key points and address any lingering questions or concerns.
- Evaluate student understanding through their participation in the hands-on practice and their ability to articulate the purpose and function of animations in PowerPoint.
Extension Activities:
- Encourage students to create more complex presentations using advanced animation techniques.
- Have students research and present on the use of animations in professional settings, such as in business presentations or educational seminars.
- Explore other presentation software that offers animation capabilities, such as Google Slides or Prezi, and compare them to PowerPoint.