User:Safari Lesson plan 1

Lesson plan1

Date: 2080/08/25

Period : 5th

Time :- 40min

No of students : 16'Class : 7'

Subject : Computer Science
Lesson topic : Information and communication
Teaching Item: Fundamental of computer and working mechanism of computer
  1. Objectives:- To familiarize students with topic :-

i) Explain what is computer ?

ii) Explain working mechanism of computer .

2. Teaching material:- Show mechanism of computer in slides , Show physical computer in lab , show figure from any resources.

3. Teaching Learning Activitie :- i) Warm wishes will be granted and introduce each other .

ii) Figure of computer abbreviation will be drawn .

iii) Define computer : Computer is and electronic device that store , retrieve and process the data .

Working mechanism of computer

iv) Explain working mechanism

processing of computer

In detail of processing

v) Then describe each peripherals in systematic order .

vii) After completing all topics make them notify about next topic which will learn tomorrow . "Characteristics and equipment of computer " .

4. Evaluation;- Use quick quizes, encourage student to ask question and clarify any doubts, give assignment question to solve .

5. Homework ;- Draw a figure of computer mechanism .

6. Feedback :