User:Srijana Paudel/Teaching Lesson Plan 12

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Subject : Operating System

Period: Third

Topic: Process Management

Teaching Item: Process Synchronization & Critical Section Problem

Class: BICT 4th Semester

Unit: Two

Time: 50 min

No. of Students: 20

1. Specific Objective:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of process synchronization.
  • Identify the critical section problem in operating systems.
  • Lists requirements to satisfy solution for critical solution.

2. Instructional materials:

3. Teaching Learning Activities:

  • I will enter the classroom and will motivate students before starting the lesson, ensuring their concentration on the topic.
  • After that, I will write today's topic, "Process Synchronization & Critical Section Problem," on the board.
  • To activate prior knowledge, I will begin the class by asking students questions related to today's topic, such as "What do you understand by process synchronization?" or "Have you encountered any issues related to critical sections in programming?"
  • Next, I will open the presentation slides and briefly introduce the topic, covering the basics of process synchronization and highlighting the critical section problem.
  • After explaining the concepts, I will delve deeper into the critical section problem, discussing the requirements to satisfy its solution.
  • To reinforce learning, I will provide examples of scenarios where the critical section problem arises in real-world applications.
  • To ensure understanding, I will facilitate a discussion where students can share their thoughts and ask questions.
  • Finally, I will summarize the lesson, emphasizing the importance of understanding process synchronization and the critical section problem in operating systems.

4. Assessment:

During the session, ask questions like,

  • Can you explain what a critical section is?
  • What are the potential issues that can arise in a system due to the critical section problem?

5. Homework:

  • Write about the importance of process synchronization in operating systems and its impact on system performance.
  • Implement a simple program demonstrating the use of synchronization mechanisms to address the critical section problem.