User:Srijana Paudel/Peer Teaching Lesson Plan 8

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Subject : Computer Science

Period: Third

Topic: Internet Technologies

Class: 11

Unit: 6

Time: 20 min

1. Specific Objective:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the basic concepts of Internet Technologies including key components and functionalities of Internet Technologies.

2. Instructional materials:

3. Teaching Learning Activities:

- Greet everyone and introduce the topic of Internet Technologies.

- Explain the objectives of the lesson and outline what students will learn.

- Present PowerPoint slides covering fundamental concepts and components of Internet Technologies.

- Encourage student participation by asking questions and facilitating discussions.

- Summarize the main points covered in the lesson and address any remaining questions or concerns.

4. Assessment:

During the session, ask questions like Do you know about internet technologies? what does it mean? to assess students' understanding of the topic.


Internal Teacher

Gobinda Neupane

Student Teacher

Srijana Paudel