User:Jyoti lesson Plan 1

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Subject: Computer Science Unit: Two

Class: 6 Topic: Introduction To Input and Output device

Time: 15 Minutes Period: 2nd

Number of Students: 15 School: ABC School

Contents 1 Specific Objectives 2 Teaching Materials 3 Introduction (3 minutes) 4 Teaching Learning Activity - Interactive Presentation (3 minutes) 5 Group Activity- Sorting Devices (5 minutes) 6 Conclusion (1 minutes) 7 Assessment Specific Objectives At end of the class

Students will understand the basic concept of Input and Output device and identify example of each. Teaching Materials Whiteboard and markers Computer or Projector Pictures or real examples of various I/O devices PowerPoint presentation Introduction (3 minutes) Begin with a brief discussion about technology and it's role. Ask students about the devices they use and how they interact with them. Introduce the terms "input" and "output" devices.

Teaching Learning Activity - Interactive Presentation (3 minutes) Use multimedia presentation or visual aids to introduce common I/O devices (Keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, etc.) Discuss how each device function work. Group Activity- Sorting Devices (5 minutes) Divided students into small group. Provide picture or real examples of devices. Ask students to categorize them into input and output devices on the paper. Conclusion (1 minutes) Summarize the key points about input and output devices. Assessment Distribute a worksheet or have a class discussion where students identify examples of I/O devices. Category: BICTE