Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
BICTE Eng. Ed.411 General English 1 2078
Bachelors/Education /1st Semester
Eng. Ed. 411 General English - I
Full Marks: 60
Time: 3 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all questions
Group "B" 6 X 5 marks=30
1. Why was the boy afraid of the strange looking man? b. How did Della and James Dillingham express their love? Explain.
2. Complete the following sentences with appropriate prepositions.
a. What are you afraid...?
b. What are you worried... at the moment?
c. What school subjects are you interested...?
d. When you were younger, what books were you keen...? e. What are you proud...?
f. What was the last thing you watched...TV?
3. How did Buddha, Krishna and Gandhi treat their wives?
4. What types of college teachers have you found during your student life? Describe in brief.
5. Complete the following sentences selecting the appropriate words from the list: pose, solid, turn, focus, confirm.
a. The events... a threat to stability in the region.
b. We should... our attention on the most important issues. c. The study lacks... evidence and therefore its conclusions are doubtful.
d. The data... my hypothesis that its conclusions are
e. Let us now... to the subject of town planning.
Summarise the story of Santiago in 'the Alchemist.'
6. What are the basic principles of feminist criticism?