User:Srijana Paudel/Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan 2

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Subject: Operating System
Class:BICTE 4th Semester
Time:15 Minutes
Number of Peers: 10
Topic: Basic Concept of OS
period: 2nd
Teaching Item: Two Views of OS

Specific Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the concept of operating systems from both user and system perspectives.

Teaching Materials

  • Laptop
  • Diagram Illustrating User and System View
  • Presentation Slide

Teaching Learning Activities

  1. Entering to the classroom, and motivating students before starting lesson for their concentrationono the lesson,
  2. Writing lesson topic on the board and ask if anyone knows what are twohe t different views of OS
  3. Mention the dual nature of OS -erving Users &andManaging System Resources
  4. Use slides to explain the User View of an OS including Graphical User Interface and user interactions then switch to System Perspectives including features like processes, memory management and resource allocation.
  5. Engage students on discussion to present their experiences with OS users view


What are the main components of user views of an operating system?

How does system view differ from users view?