User:Prakash Timilsina/Real Teaching Lesson Plan27

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Class: BEDICT 6th Semester

Subject: Network Security

Teaching Topic: Storing and revoking keys

Period Duration: 50 min

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the class, students will be able to

  1. Understand the concept of storing and revoking keys.
  2. Explain related key with storing and revoking keys.

Teaching Learning Materials:

Daily usage Materials, Laptop, PowerPoint slide, multimedia

Teaching Learning Activities:

After entering the class, I will revise previous lesson Public Key Infrastructure. Then I will inform today's topic storing and revoking keys. I will tell them the concept of storing key it should be stored securely to prevent unauthorized access, use secure storage solutions like hardware security or encrypted database. I will explain revoking keys if the employee leaves organization the data must be updated or need new employee to access.


  1. Define revoking key with its importance?
  2. Is storing key useful to prevent unauthorized access?