User:Prakash Timilsina/Real Teaching Lesson Plan4

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Class: BEDICT 6th semester

Subject: Network Security

Topic: Assumption and Trust

Period Duration: 50 min

Specific Objectives:

At the end of class, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning and concept of trust and assumption.
  2. Write difference between them

Teaching Learning Materials:

Daily usages materials, Laptop, Multimedia, PowerPoint Presentation slide

Teaching Learning Activities:

After entering the class, I will ask questions from previous lesson, if they have confused, I will revise what they have confused otherwise, I will start new lesson. When I start new lesson, I will ask questions such as What is trust and assumption. After then I will say, find the similar and differences between them. Then after, I will highlight their answers. And I will explain the topic briefly.


  1. How is differ assumption from trust?
  2. Define trust and assumption.