User:Pratima lesson Plan 4

Revision as of 05:00, 12 December 2023 by Pratima (talk | contribs)
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Class: 7 Period:4th

Subject: Computer Science Time :15 minutes

Topic : MS Word

School :

Specific Objective:

The student will understand and can accomplish these tasks at the end of the lesson:

  • Be able to Open new and existing documents.
  • Be able to copy and paste text.
  • Be able to use the Undo/Redo function.
  • Be able to format font by selecting font type, size and color and using bold, italic, underline and highlighter tools.
  • Be able to Save documents.
  • Be able to print documents.

Teaching Material:

  • White board and Marker
  • Laptop and Projector

Teaching Learning Actives: